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Align your job with what matters matters to you to create more joy and excitement.

Chances are you've reached a point in your career where you've created a stable position at your company, you know what you're doing and everyone else knows it too. But if you're being honest, your hearts not in it. Looking at your do list you find yourself wondering: What's the point? Like who cares? 

If you're already thinking this, let me tell you it will never truly go away until you pay it the attention it requests. What it's really saying is, you've outlived your current job and it's time to evolve. Time to find something that puts a spark in your eyes, where you can't wait to launch your ideas into action and make the project happen. This program is designed to help you find out what that "something" is.


🧭 Why you are feeling indifferent about your job

🧭 Your version of an ideal career

🧭 What has been holding you back from making a change and how to overcome it 

1 Month 1:1 Coaching

4 Sessions, 1 h each

Hand-picked, individualized exercises

Visual templates for reuse

Unlimited support on WhatsApp between the sessions

$880, one-time payment

Ready to find a direction you your career that truly inspires you and simply can't wait to make it happen?

Take your first step to align your job with
what really matters to you.


⭐️ Professional certification as a Life & Success Coaching from the accredited Jay Shetty Coaching School

⭐️ 5+ Years of experience as an international project manager & consultant

⭐️ Understanding & empathy, 3 years ago I've been exactly in your shoes

⭐️ Accountability & progress for you to stay on track with your goals

⭐️ Easily digestable and structured tools & strategies that you'll be able to reuse even long after the program is done

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